division and Clitics
is the smallest of the LINGUISTIC UNITS which can occur on its own in speech or
writing. It is difficult to apply this criterion consistently. For example, can
a FUNCTION WORD like the occur
on its own? Is a CONTRACTION like can’t (“can
not”) one word or two? Nevertheless, there is evidence that NATIVE SPEAKERs of
a language tend to agree on what are the words of their language.
In writing, word boundaries are usually
recognized by spaces between the words. In speech, word boundaries may be
recognized by slight pauses. (Longman Ditionary)
Senses a and b are concerned with words
as objects within a grammar. This chapter is concerned with clarifying sense c, that is, with finding word boundaries
in specific sentence. We will be asking the following types of questions:
(2) a. How do we make an analysis of boundaries
between words in a sentence.
b. How do we decide if a morpheme is a word or an affix. It is bound
or free?
c. How many terminal nodes do we need
in a tree? How do we distribute the
phonological material of a sentence
among them?
d. What do we treat as syntax and what
as morphology?
e. Where do we write spaces in a
practical orthography?
There are a few
guidelines, both syntactic and
phonological, to use in answering these questions. In most cases analyzing
word boundaries is straightforward, but sometimes the syntactic guidelines
suggest different word breaks than the phonological ones. Thus, we must
are discussed in the next two sections.
The traditional
conception of word boundaries is phonological—a word in sense (1c) is a minimal
are divisions between linguistic units.
are different types of boundaries. For example, boundaries may be
a between words, e.g. the##child
b between the parts of a word such as STEM1 and
AFFIX, e.g. kind#ness
c between SYLLABLES, e.g. /beI + bi/ baby
(3) Phonological Guidelines #1
No utterance can be shorter than a
single word.
If native speakers
do not recognize a morpheme out of context or would never pronounce it by
itself, then it is not a word. If they can, it probably is. For example, the
minimal reply to a question is single word, not part of a word.
(4) How many children do you have?
Possible answers: Impossible answers:
Nineteen *-teen
Lots *-s
When you learn a
word in isolation (which is normally what happens), this guideline alone can give you a pretty
good idea about word boundaries. When you hear the same word in a sentence, a
reasonable hypothesis is that there are word boundaries on either side of it
(allowing for any affixes, of course).
A second phonological guideline is that
pauses are generally impossible inside words.
(5) Phonological guidelines #2
Pauses are only possible at word
If there is a pause
at a certain point in a sentence or if a pause is possible there, then that
point is probably a phonological word boundary. For example, consider how an
irritated elementary school teacher might speak to the class, pausing for
effect between each word, but not within words.
(6) a.
[boIz… ænd gɜ:lz] ‘boys
and girls’
b. *[ boI… z… ænd…
the problem with
(6b) is that the plural suffixes, which are bound morphemes, have been
pronounced as separate words.
Once you begin to apply these guidelines
in a language, you may find phonological rules whose behavior is affected by
word boundaries. You can use them as additional diagnostic tests.
(7) Phonological guidelines #3
Look for phonological rules that
provide information about word boundaries, then use them to help define word
boundaries in unclear cases.
For example, the
rules in English which account for the variation in voicing of the plural
suffix –s do not operate across word
boundaries. There is good reason to believe that the underlying form of this
suffix is /-z/. there is a
phonological rule that causes /z/ to devoice after a voiceless segment (as in
bats), but a /z/ which begins a separate word (as in the bat zoomed) does not
devoice in that environment.
(8) ‘bats’ ‘the bat zoomed’
Input to phonological rules: bæt-z ðƏ bæt zumd
Output of phonological rules: bæt-s ðƏ bæt zumd
So, if you find a
/z/ at the beginning of some morpheme which sometimes becomes [s] because of
this rule, then the rule is treating the morpheme as a suffix, not a separate
word. That is, the rule provides evidence that the morpheme is a suffix.
When we turn to syntactic word
boundaries, we are essentially trying to determine what to put on separate
terminal nodes in a tree. Our first hypotheses about syntactic word boundaries
are based on what we know about phonology.
(11) Syntactic guidelines #1
Any phonological word break is
generally also a syntactic word break.
So, once we have
decided that there is a phonological word boundary before zoomed in the bat zoomed,
we largely committed to recognizing a syntactic word boundary there, too, and
putting zoomed on a separate terminal node. (warning: the opposite is not true,
as discussed below; some syntactic word breaks are not phonological ones)
But there are purely syntactic reasons
for making syntactic word breaks too. One of the strongest is based on the
overall structure of the tree.
(12) Syntactic guidelines #2
Any major constituent break (e.g., the
beginning or end of a phase) is also syntactic word break.
Between almost every pair of morphemes
is a phrase boundary, hence also a syntactic word boundary.
(13) [NP the [QP two] [AP [DegP very] little]
Other guidelines may also be helpful in
deciding whether a morpheme is an affix or a separate syntactic word.
(!4) Syntactic guidelines #3
Affixes tend to occur next to only a
single type of word (their stems) and in a fixed order; words occur more freely
in various combination with each other.
This means words can often be moved with
respect to each other; this is usually not possible for morphemes within a
(15) a. I see the tiny, little people down on the
b. I see the little, tiny people down
there on the ground.
(16) a. teach-er-s
b. *teach-s-er
it also means a
syntactic word or phrase can usually be inserted between two other morphemes
only at syntactic word breaks; trying to insert a word between a stem and an
affix usually results in the affix being attached to the wrong type of word.
So, for example, to find out if the English plural marker –(e)s is a word or affix, we could try inserting adjectives (which
we already know to be separate syntactic words) and PPs between the noun and
the plural marker.
(17) a. the dog-s
*the dog-big-s
*the dog [in the manger]-s
this doesn’t work,
so according to both phonological and syntactic guidelines, -(e)s is bound.
Finally, one can often tell the difference between words and affixes by
sniffing out the irregular forms in the language.
(18) Syntactic guidelines #4
Morphology often shows great
irregularities, while combinations of separate syntactic words do not.
For example, there
are irregular noun plurals like oxen in place of *oxes, but there are not any
irregular combinations of the definite article the with particular
nouns. So by this guideline, the plural –(e)s is an affix and the is probably not
(although we can’t tell for sure, because it might be a perfectly regular
clitic is a grammatical form which cannot stand on its own in an utterance. It needs
to co-occur with another form which either precedes or follows it.
languages have clitic pronoun forms which are attached to the verb. In English,
n’t the contracted form of not in couldn’t, isn’t, and don’t can
be considered a clitic.
Word breaks are not
always obvious. Sometimes the different guidelines don’t even agree; some
guidelines whether a morpheme is bound, while others may suggest that it is
free. If it is unclear whether a morpheme is a word or an affix, it is
generally called a CLITIC. In some
ways (especially by phonological guidelines), clitics are like affixes; in
other ways (especially by syntactic guidelines), they are like words.
As examples, consider two homophonous
morphemes in English, both of which are spelled ‘s:
(20) Contracted ‘s (from is)
hu-z gɔn who’s gone?
hwƏt-s ðæt What’s that?
hwit∫-iz jɔ:(r)z which’s yours?
Possessive ‘s
ðƏ mæn-z Ə`pinjƏn the man’s opinion
ði kæt
in ðƏ
Ə`pinjƏn the cat in the hat’s opinion
pit∫-iz pit the
peach’s pit.
Should we analyze
them as affixes or words? Phonological guidelines suggest that both are
(21) a.
They are never pronounced in isolation.
They cannot be preceded by pause.
They do not contain vowels (at least in some environments), unlike clear
cases of words.
They undergo devoicing, like the plural suffix in (8)
guidelines suggest that they are separate words.
(22) a. Contracted ‘s functions as the verb in a
clause (as a contraction of is or has)
b. Possessive ‘s always attached to
the end of a noun phrase, not always to the head noun (look again at [20e])
c. both can attach to a variety of
word types (see [24] below)
d. Contracted ‘s is completely
regular; there is no stem suppletion.
On the other hand,
at least one syntactic guideline suggests that possessive ‘s is an affix.
(23) There are irregular possessive forms of
pronouns, like my, which are found in place of regular combinations like *I’s.
These morphemes are
not clearly words or affixes, but have some characteristics of each. They are
PHONOLOGICALLY BOUND like affixes and (at least partially) SYNTACTICALLY FREE
like words. So, in order to have some label for them until we figure out exactly
what they are , we call them clitics.
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