questions to ask about morphology
When we study the morphology of a language, that is, the structure of its
words, there are two basic questions that we always need to be asking
ourselves. Think of these questions especially when analyzing an affix.
a. What is its meaning?
b. How is that meaning expressed?
(a) has to do with semantics. It includes other questions, such as:
What meanings are being expressed?
Are these meanings lexical or grammatical?
(b) has to do with phonology and grammar. it includes other questions, such as:
(1) What is the phonological material (e.g., the
string of segments) that represents this meaning.
(2) Where is this material located with respect
to the stem (prefixed, suffixed, etc.)?
(3) is it always the same on every stem, or does
it vary depending on context?
(4) What category of words is affected by this
morphological process (nouns, verbs, etc.)?
versus derivational
Two basic questions
in morphology:
(1) a. What is its meaning?
b. How is that meaning expressed?
MORPHOLOGY takes one word and changes
into another, creating new lexical entries. In the clearest cases, it creates a
word of another syntactic category. For example, the suffix –ness changes adjectives into abstract
nouns, as in fat-ness, dry-ness, and sad-ness. The suffix –(e)r changes verbs into nouns, as in teach-er, act-or, play-er, far-mer, etc.
the suffix –ify changes nouns or
adjectives into verbs, as in class-ify,
pur-ify, beaut-ify, etc.
(2) -(e)s third person singular present (on verbs)
-(e)d past (on verbs)
the essential difference between
inflection and derivation is whether the addition of an affix creates a new
word or just another form of the same word. There are three other important
differences between inflection and derivation. One concerns PRODUCTIVITY:
inflectional morphology is very productive, while derivational morphology
usually is not. English past tense marking is inflectional and so it is very
productive—when new words are coined, their past tense is automatically
available in the grammar. For example, English speaker added –(e)d to the new verb digitize to form digitized
without blinking an eye.
Derivational affixes, on the other hand,
often cannot be used with such generally. Indeed, they often cannot be used
even on words that have been in the language for centuries. Consider the
following examples of derivational affixes; some work and others fail. The ones
that fail do so not because of any general rule, but simply because the
resulting words don’t happen to exist.
Good Bad
Same-ness *different-ness
Weak-ness *strong-ness
Mad-ness *sane-ness
One simply has to
memorize which derived words contain –ness
and which do not. This memory load is hardly ever necessary with inflection.
Of course, some derivational affixes are
more productive than others. The suffix –er
is relatively productive; word ‘players’ know that practically any verb can be
turned into a noun by adding –(e)r.
So, we aren’t dealing with a hard and fast distinction, but in general
inflection is more productive than derivation.
Another difference is that derivational
affixes often have lexical meaning, while inflectional affixes usually have
grammatical meaning. For example, one meaning of the derivational suffix –er can be expressed ‘a person who …’,
but the meaning of the inflectional –(e)d
is best expressed with the technical term
‘past tense’.
The third difference between inflection
and derivation is that different inflected forms of a word can usually be
useful organized into a type of chart called a PARADIGM.
(4) Singular Plural
First person do do
Second person do do
Their person does do
cross-classifying of forms in paradigms is characteristic of inflectional
morphology, but not of derivational morphology. Derivational morphology groups
together into pairs, like march and marcher, farm and farmer.
The differences between inflection and
derivation are summarized in the following chart?
The importance of paradigm for inflectional
we know about paradigms, we can look at morphology from a new perspective.
Agglutinative languages have morphemes arranged in a sequence like beads on a
string, with clear morpheme cuts between them. Position class charts often
provide a convention way of summarizing their morphology, focusing on the
relative ordering of the pieces of a word.
However, this analogy to beads on a string often breaks down. IRREGULAR (or SUPPLETIVE)
verbs, which are found in most languages, cause it problems. In English, there
is a large class of verbs which do not form their past tense using –(e)d.
(7) Present past
Sing sang
Think thought
Have had
See saw
Go went
Is was
consistent morpheme cuts are difficult at best, and there is little consistency
from one verb to the next. Position class charts are useless for describing
these verbs forms. But, if we think in terms of paradigms and grammatical
categories we can at least make some sense of the situation; all verbs have a
paradigm which includes both present and past tense forms.
Grammatical categories and inflectional
These essence of
the word and paradigm perspective is its focus on GRAMMATICAL CATEGORIES, like
person, number, and tense.. what exactly is grammatical category? Grammatical
categories are sets of abstract elements (like singular and plural) which are
MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. Each grammatical category has only a small and fixed number
of elements, that is, grammatical categories are closed classes. Thus, a
grammatical category is a small, closed class of mutually exclusive grammatical
How do we add this concept to our formal
grammar? We do so with FEATURES. For example, to represent that a word is
singular, we might assign it the feature [-plural]. To represent that a word is
third person, we might assign it the feature [3 person]. In these examples,
‘plural’ and ‘person’ are the names of the features; ‘-‘ and ‘3’ are their
Many features are BINARY; they have only
two values, usually ‘+’ and ‘-‘. Often this is because they represent
grammatical categories that contain only two elements. For example, number
(singular versus plural) is often represented with the binary feature ( ±
The inflectional category of person is
like this; it normally has three choices: first, second, and third person. One
way to represent this formally is with a single feature that has three values:
[1 person], [2 person], and [3 person]. Another is to use two binary features,
such as [±me] and [± you]. these work as follows:
(9) first person [+me, -you]
Second person [-me, +you]
Third person [-me, -you]
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